After doing errands this morning, we picked up our mail at the bottom of the road and I was the lucky recipient of an envelope with a return address from the Office of the Sheriff, Cherokee County. I tried to recall my behaviors in the past couple of weeks before opening the envelope. Did I jaywalk across Peachtree St. or not allow some pedestrian the right to cross at the crosswalk? Couldn't come up with a legitimate reason for the Sheriff to mail me a letter...............except............if I had to appear for jury duty. Yes, I was hereby summoned to personally appear for jury service at the downtown Murphy courthouse on Monday, June 6. I can be exempt from jury service if I am mentally incompetent, (by whose criteria?), if I don't understand the English language, I am a convicted felon, or I'm 72 years old and wish to be exempt. I don't like any of those so I checked I will report for jury duty as directed. The last time I had to report for jury...