Our temperature dropped to 19 degrees this morning. Hideous! for this time of year. The past couple of days steadied in the 30's with today being mostly sunny. This is brutal for late November. I may have to whine my way through fall/winter this season. Normally I can grill our salmon steaks outside until January but tonight they are being pan fried. Our outside Christmas lights were put up yesterday in cutting cold 11 mph winds. We bundled up and did the best we could before my finger tips froze, with gloves on. On a positive note, the crisp cold air wakes up your senses. Thursday morning 9:05 am bright sunshine November 30, 1995 30 degrees at 6:40 am Dear Betsy, Well, I stopped what I was doing to hunt through my recipes books for my small cranberry book of recipes. Can't find it anywhere. Do you have it? Anyway, I got all the books of the shelf and dusted the shelf in the kitchen that holds my c...
Showing posts from November, 2018
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Thanksgiving was delightful and delicious. Originally I had planned on slow-cooking a turkey breast, baking sweet potatoes, my gluten-free gravy and dressing, a few veggies, and some kind of dessert. Cliff, being my clean-up guy, began to visualize dirty pots and pans, the slow-cooker, utensils and mixing bowls strewn from one end of the counter to the next and all over the kitchen island. Two weeks before Thanksgiving he announced change of plans. We would be having Thanksgiving dinner at the Chop House surrounded by conversation and smiling faces at other tables. The few times we stayed home alone and made dinner, we found the quiet was depressing, that we needed to mingle and socialize during our dinner. When I found out our yoga instructor, Anita, would be alone that day, we added her to our reservation. I brought my gluten-free gravy in a little jar and poured it on my turkey. I don't eat dressing anyway because it fills me too quickly and ...
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Happy Birthday to me!!! Another dreary gloomy 44 degree cold day. My Corinthian chimes have been playing tunes in 11mph gusts. We celebrated my 72nd birthday with a wonderful Flo's Filet steak at the Longhorn in Ellijay, GA. The low temperature in Hudson on the day I was born was 25 degrees and the high was 48, not too different from today's weather here. Interesting facts............. The next time I can reuse my old 1946 calendar is in 2019. I've been living, breathing, and enjoying life for 26,298 days. And there have been 890 full moons in my lifetime with the next full moon on November 23. The modern birthstone for November is topaz. The zodiac gemstone for Scorpio is beryl, which was my mother's middle name! The most popular baby girl name on this date was Mary, which is my middle name. I was named after my dear Aunt Mary. The most popular boy name was James. If you believe in a past life ...............
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Remember playing Pick-up Sticks as a child? The game was suppose to develop hand-eye coordination while having fun interacting with other children. It's been years since I played the game. Actually I thought it was boring and lame as a child, probably because I always lost, and the other evening confirmed it when I played pick up no. 4 pasta sticks from the kitchen floor. My big pot of water was boiling frantically on the front burner when the cellophane package slipped through my fingers landing at my feet strewing pasta noodles in all directions. I picked them up, blew them off and slipped them into the boiling water. Days later while vacuuming under the fridge, I found the rest of the pasta. It rained Monday, poured all day yesterday, 2+", annoying spitting rain today and another day of cold rain is predicted for tomorrow. The wood stove warmed the house and I baked banana carrot coconut muffins and cornbread and butternut squa...
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Many years ago, maybe thirty-two years ago, when Mark was around thirteen and wasn't sure he wanted to be seen with his mother anymore, especially in a Publix supermarket where his friends could also be seen with their mothers, he would covertly flip through magazine pages as I stood in the check-out line. Using my time efficiently in line, I usually struck up a conversation with the person in front or in back of me. Standing in line during busy hours or getting behind shoppers with overloaded carts, I found friendly conversation with people made the wait tolerable. By this time, Mark's face was totally buried in a magazine. On the way out to our car, he would ask who the people were that I was talking with in line. When I told him I didn't know them but took the opportunity to make a dreaded experience tolerable, he just shook his head. He continued accompanying me to the store, even proudly drove me once he had his drivers license realizing that I w...