Breakfast guest

This is the last curtain that needed to be made. Kitchen/dining windows are done. Looking out the kitchen window this morning about 9 AM, i saw our young doe in the front garden. In April I planted 10 caldium bulbs, watered the area faithfully, and waited for them to come up. Finally, by the end of June, some of the bulbs sprouted through the cement hard clay. She looked up and saw me looking at her from the kitchen window. "What's for breakfast?" Trying to decide whether to stay for breakfast or eat else where. "Things taste pretty good here so I'll just stay and sample some greens. That fat cat on the porch is no threat." Notice that red and green leaf is totally gone! I walked out the door as she approached the porch steps (maybe she was going to eat the fat cat next) and she let me take her picture. "Did you eat my caladiums?" "Moi?" Going to see what the neighbors have in their gardens.