New diet
Well, we got established with a new doctor and as a result of our visit, came home with a diet to try. Cliff is about 25 pounds overweight and I've gained 12 in a year...most of it up here relaxing and living too well. The diet is Baptist Hospital Weight Reduction Clinic Diet and is proven effective. You follow it strictly for 3 days then eat sensibly for 4 days (1800 cal. men, 1200cal. women) then go back on the diet for 3 days. If you live, you can do this for 1 month and drop as much as 40 lbs. I told Cliff I would do this with him. I love a challenge, enjoy cooking and preparing foods in a creative way. There is no creative way for this one. 1st day breakfast: 1/2 c. grapefruit juice, 1 slice toast, 1 tbls. peanutbutter, tea/coffee....that wasn't too bad. Lunch: 1/2 c. broiled chicken, 1 slice toast w/ cheddar cheese, tea......not too painful.....Dinner: 3 oz. small broiled steak...well that's redundant, 1 cup green beans, 1 small apple (size is relative) 1/2 c. vanilla ice cream. That was day snacks inbetween, drink only diet drinks (ugh) tea/coffee/water. Needless to say, Cliff who has never been a tea drinker, has acquired a taste for chai tea. This morning was Day 2. We ate 1 egg, 1 slice toast, 1/2 banana, tea/coffee..... starting to get hungry.......Lunch was nothing to look forward to. One cup of cottage cheese or tuna. We mistakingly choose cottage cheese over the protein in the tuna. We didn't think we could get down a whole cup of dry tuna. Also for lunch 5 SALTINE crackers!!! tea......feeling weak and wonder how we will make it to dinner. I kept busy with sewing, Cliff stained the railings on the porch. At 4:30 we started preparing the big dinner: HOT DOGS, diet didn't say how many....I cooked the whole package! 1/2 carrots, 1 cup broccoli, pressed the veggies into the measuring cup, 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream. Finally, some food. Wednesday will be our Day 3...thank goodness....Breakfast: 5 saltine crackers, 1 slice of cheddar cheese, 1 apple. I hate saltine crackers! Lunch: 1 hard boiled agg and 1 slice toast, tea. OMG!!!! no snacking allowed.....Dinner: 1 c. chicken, 1 c. carrots or beets, 1 cup of cauliflower or greens, 1 banana, 1/2 c. vanilla ice cream and 1/2 cantalope. I bought the largest cantalope I could find in Murphy.
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