Cliff is doing so much better this morning. Pain is under control, blisters are drying up, and he's back to acting like himself. He went to his emergency medical class last night not expecting to stay for the whole four hours, but felt well enough and stayed for the entire class. Having disabling pain humbles you and gives you empathy for those who live with chronic pain. Drugs are a wonderful thing! "If you get up one more time than you fall, you will make it through." Chinese Proverb
Showing posts from February, 2010
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Temperature hit 66 yesterday!!! Such an uplifting feeling. Max and I spent much of the afternoon outside on the porch. I started some parsley and basil in little starter pots and a new batch of cat grass. We had a light breakfast at our little diner about mid-morning, Cliff hit the books again to continue with his medical course. He'll be thrilled when this is over in the 3rd week of March because it consumes his every waking minute. It's so wonderful not to be dark at 5 PM anymore. I've started grilling outside again now that it's light until 6:30 and I can see what I'm cooking. We had grilled garlic-ginger chicken, cheesy orzo, and a salad . On another note.......Cliff is going to try to get in to see our family doc today to have his chest, back and shoulder looked at. Remember, this is the guy that has a 93% average in his medical course. His neck and shoulders have been tight from studying and positioning himself badly. Last Thursday when he felt a k...
Waiting for Spring
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It's been an extremely cold, dank winter. It was inviting at first and I found lots of things to do. I tried making bread, baked muffins, casseroles, lots of different soups, made our Christmas gifts, read, organized pictures and my Mother's letters, and tackled projects I never had time to do. But now I've had it and I need spring. This morning was uplifting when at 6:30 the eastern sky was alive with color. It was still cold.....20 degrees....but I took my coffee out on the porch and welcomed the morning. Yesterday hit 45 and today is suppose to be 50's, Sunday should be 60!!! We're getting there. I found plans online for my raised vegetable gardens and have been researching which crops can be planted early.
Happy Birthday
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OOOPS! Late Happy Birthday to my younger sister! I thought of you yesterday but it was 7:30 AM and you probably hadn't had your coffee yet. Then our day got busy. You know how retired people get so busy going to the supermarket, grabbing a cup of senior coffee, and getting the mail that we forget to do some of the important things. Happy Birthday.
The Year of the Tiger
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HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR --Jim, Lauria, Hayden, Sofia, Grant, and Olivia The bad luck that had accumulated throughout the year (there was plenty of that)has been swept out of their house and there will be no cleaning during the beginning of the new year so as to keep the good luck in their home. Sounds good to me. Lose the broom and the vacuum. May good luck surround you as you begin the new year.
More winter...........
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Yesterday................Check out the look on his face. Is he ticked that it's snowing and miserably cold again or did the squirrels eat all his seed? Rufus towhee and a very fat mourning dove. Wonder if has a recipe for dove. The heating pad was on low while I was reading. I got up from my chair for two seconds to stir the soup on the stove and this is what I came back to. She was already washing up! TODAY 2/11 Temperatures reached 46 today!! A winter sun has been out most of the day and a dry brisk breeze. It's been unusually cold and every couple of days we get two days of snow showers and gloom. About 2 weeks ago a flock of robins flew in and landed in our front garden ravaging the ground for bugs. Their internal clocks must sense spring in the air somewhere because they're still around. Lowes and Home Depot have put seeds, bulbs, and cold weather plantings on their shelves. More harbingers of spring. Lauria, Jim, and children made it safely throug...
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Boy, when it rains, it pours. We just got off the phone with our property manager in Florida. We had our hopes up when the renters told us they wanted to purchase the house. That is no longer an option for the renters for whatever reason. The house value has dropped so low that we would basically have to give it away. If things are selling better here, we may have to sell this one and move back to crime ridden Deltona. Just venting. Everything feels so hopeless this morning.
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Lauria called this morning from the Red Cross shelter. Jim was heading out to the house to see if the dogs made it through another night. This morning they will try to find an open kennel for the dogs while they wait for electricity to be restored. Many of the families in the shelter have found alternate arrangements so very few families are still there. If many more leave, the shelter will be shut down.
Virginia Blizzard
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Lauria, Jim and children are without power, water, heat. They are in a shelter trying to cope with the 30+ inches of snow that has shut down the area. It's terribly cold, too cold for melting to take place and another 5 inches is predicted later this week. They are weary and no one knows when power will be restored. I feel so helpless from this far away. Please keep them and others going through this difficult time in your thoughts and prayers.
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Today was sunny and the temperature hit 53. Glorious day. Last night Cliff had his first module test for his 9-week emergency medical responder course and passed with the highest score in the class. He's put in a lot of hours studying. Today is also Baby Olivia's First Birthday. She's talking.............loudly........... and tries keeping up with her brother and sisters. Please keep Jim, Lauria, and children in your thoughts and prayers as they go through this tough time of unemployment.