Garden Phase II

Got a call this afternoon from Josh saying he would be "in the neighborhood" and could come by with his rototiller and do the garden. We're .6 of a mile up a mountain road.....who just happens to be in the neighborhood? Cliff and I have been out in the garden picking up boulders and roots. heading for the garden job finished in about 20 minutes The soil is nice and loose. Josh told me to get lime and spread it and I can start planting my potatoes now. Read a great article from our almost-retired friend, Larry, about planting varieties of vegetables to avoid diseases that could wipe out entire crops. Will stop by Wayne's Feed and Grain tomorrow or Monday and get lime and ask what kind of fertilizer to use in the garden. Have lots of loose rocks and roots still to pick out of the soil now that it's looser. There are some great varieties of potatoes to try and so many locals here to help me with my first year gardening....