Thermometer topped off at 102 degrees by 3 PM.................in the shade........... on the mountain. Summer squash is ripening smaller than usual. Cylindra beets are popping out of the ground and I picked a half dozen Dragon's Egg cucumbers today. Made a couple of cheese sandwiches on oatmeal bread mid-morning for a snack. Actually, I was curious about the black krim tomatoes and wanted to cut into one and see what the inside looked like and see if it tasted as delicious as it looked. Not disappointed! They are a beautiful deep red inside and taste scrumptious. We also sliced another one for our salad at lunch and added a fresh cucumber. more black krim and the first Dragon's Egg cuke These two are awesome and are keepers. I have seven new tomatoes started for the fall garden, two of which are the black krim. cukes and cylindra beets This morning when Cliff walked out onto the porch, he was greeted by a doe standing in the d...