Weather has been cooperating. Sunny and 58 by noon. Cliff helped me write this because he spent so much time talking with the workmen and asking questions.

Also steel rebar had to be installed in all 4 sides. Each form had to be level and at the proper height in reference to all the other forms. It looked extremely difficult, but the workmen were very versed at their jobs. Wednesday the cement truck parked up in the driveway and pumped the concrete into the forms.
Today, Thursday, forms started going up at 8 AM for the poured concrete walls. All the work on the footers comes together when the steel walls are placed for the walls. All the walls must be level and at exactly same height as each other wall.
Inspection was completed and signed off. Concrete walls will be poured in the morning. Cliff has been outside talking to each of the subcontractors as they tried to work. He reminds me of the typical old retired guy standing around while the plumber or electrician tries to work. I went out one morning and asked the guys if they would like me to find him something to do or make him go to his room so they could work. All kidding aside, this has been quite a learning process.
Weather has been cooperating. Sunny and 58 by noon. Cliff helped me write this because he spent so much time talking with the workmen and asking questions.
Living on the side of a mountain with uneven landscape meant several steps had to be built in the footers.The earth was near impossible to dig in. In order to keep the foundation level because of the rock, the steps were necessary. It is extremely difficult to make sure all 4 sides are level.
Twenty-four inch wide frame to hold concrete for the footers.

Also steel rebar had to be installed in all 4 sides. Each form had to be level and at the proper height in reference to all the other forms. It looked extremely difficult, but the workmen were very versed at their jobs. Wednesday the cement truck parked up in the driveway and pumped the concrete into the forms.
Rebar placed in soft concrete and left to set overnight. The vertical steel is used to secure the walls to the footers.
Today, Thursday, forms started going up at 8 AM for the poured concrete walls. All the work on the footers comes together when the steel walls are placed for the walls. All the walls must be level and at exactly same height as each other wall.
Inspection was completed and signed off. Concrete walls will be poured in the morning. Cliff has been outside talking to each of the subcontractors as they tried to work. He reminds me of the typical old retired guy standing around while the plumber or electrician tries to work. I went out one morning and asked the guys if they would like me to find him something to do or make him go to his room so they could work. All kidding aside, this has been quite a learning process.