Four-and-a-half year old Olivia is high maintenance.  She talks more than her mother and her grandmother combined.  Her imagination is infinite.  She doesn't fall asleep easily at night and doesn't nap anymore.  She's got something going on all the time and would wear out the Energizer bunny.  Olivia is precious and if we lived closer, she would come spend time with us so Lauria could breathe, maybe take a nap, or read for more than 10 minutes.  For over a year, Lauria has been threatening to put Olivia in a large box and ship her FedEx to Murphy, NC.  Today FedEx pulled up and the driver carried a large heavy box to the porch.
"Papa, your Olivia is here!"

I thought about writing "to be continued............................."

Inside the box was our
new Kokpelli firepit, grill, and spark screen.
With cool fall evenings coming, we'll soon be sitting out under the stars enjoying the night sounds.  It's portable and for now will go in the clearing near the garage. 
Guess we'll have to drive to Virginia to see our Olivia.


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