I am thankful for................ my parents because without them I wouldn't have been on this earth to experience all the colors of life the breeze of the wind, the sounds of rain on leaves music that lifts my spirits knowing and feeling sadness and happiness the comfort and love of family and friends HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL
Showing posts from November, 2013
November 15
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME........................... I was probably pouting because I was caught sneaking into the kitchen cabinet to eat the brown sugar. Those were the good old days. Now I can eat chocolate cake for breakfast and all the cotton candy I want at carnivals and country fairs.......................but it's not as much fun as when it was verboten !
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Rumor has it we may see snow showers Wednesday as a cold front comes through. I pulled up the last of the kale, what was left of the Swiss chard after the deer nibbled on them, and left six broccoli plants to see if they are as hardy as they appear. Cliff finished tilling the garden this afternoon. I stood at the edge looking at the freshly turned clumps of clay envisioning my potato rows at the end of March. I'm still covering the porch geraniums most nights but will put them in the garage Tuesday night before the front comes through. These last couple of sunny days, our temperatures reached 65-70 degrees by 3 pm. Fall color seemed to peak quickly and then be gone. In three months, I'll be ready to plants peas and start my seeds in the south windows. In this week's CSA box from Candy Mountain Farms, there were lots of Asian greens, including a deep green bok choy. It's such a beautiful shaped vegetable and so easy to prepare, I'm th...
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This time of year, I welcome the time change. We're situated about 1.5+ hours from the Central Time Zone so at this time of year, we weren't seeing a glimpse of morning sky until after 7:30 am. Very difficult for me, being an early riser, to feel the day begin. I don't mind cocooning in the early evening when the sun slides behind the mountains in the west. This morning's sunrise blended brilliant cadmium orange and quinacridone reds throughout the eastern sky for just a shot time. I was lucky to have observed this wondrous sight for it changed within minutes as the sun rose from behind the hills and greeted me through the trees. My geraniums still sleep out on the porch all night even with the temperatures dipping into the 30's. No threats of a frost or freeze yet but it won't be long before I tuck them in the garage for the winter. After shaking the summer dust off the warm-weather curtains, washing and line drying them, the curtains ...
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We've been on an extended roller coaster ride for about the last ten days since Cliff's mother tripped on a berm and landed on her face crushing her glasses into her face. After her fall, Dot was taken to the hospital, released, only to be readmitted a few days later due to feelings of fatigue and confusion. Concern over whether she had another stroke or not, doctors ran more tests. A few days ago, she had a reaction from a medication that caused this little woman to be combative and be put in restraints. We've gone from planning on her return to her apartment, to thoughts of planning her funeral, to the most recent diagnosis of rehab. The roller coaster car has been stuck at the top when suddenly it races to the bottom taking your breath away. Cliff is weary. He sobs, catches his breath, tries to sleep at night, and has learned to wait patiently for things to work out. Meantime his sister-in-law, Diane, is in Clinton with Dot going through her ...