This morning I received an email from a dear friend in Florida telling me to update the blog so she can see if I'm behaving myself and to follow the Farmers Market activities.  I know I've been lax.  I haven't felt like blogging.  It's difficult to think when you're brain is in a fog.  Nothing has seemed important enough to write about.  Some days my osteoarthritis keeps me from being me.  Many nights are very restless and sleepless making me fatigued during the days.  I've been obsessed with researching reputable medical sites reading about this autoimmune disease.  I'm not angry that I have it.  There are people younger than me that have arthritis and others who have more debilitating illnesses than this.  Arthritis is on my mother's side of the family.  I don't ever remember anyone on my father's side complaining of joint/muscle aches and pains, but my father's side has depression issues.   I guess I just wasn't expecting to experience the effects until I got old, about 87.  That said, time to do some updating.

Last Tuesday, Cliff headed north in the Kia to visit his 91 year old mother.  Originally, I was going to go half way and stay with Lauria, Jim, and our five energetic grandchildren while he finished his 2-day trek.  A couple of days before the trip, we knew I couldn't travel comfortably 10 hours by car and cope without sleeping at night.  It wouldn't be fun for anyone.  Cliff made the long trip by himself and had a wonderful visit with his mother.  They ate out often and he did little errands and chores that needed to be done.  It's always difficult to leave elderly parents because they don't know if they will ever see you again.  On the way home Sunday, Cliff spent the afternoon in Virginia with Lauria's family celebrating Grant's 9th birthday.  As of right now, there are three 9 year olds, one 5 year old, and Ben is 4.
                                                                 Grant opening his gifts
I really missed being with everyone and celebrating a birthday.  I especially missed the good time they had at the Mexican restaurant.

With Cliff being away last Saturday, I didn't set up at the Farmers Market.  The arthritis has zapped my energy and I've lost strength and muscle mass in my arms and shoulders.  Cliff sets up my tent and tables, carries all the containers for me so I can display the crafts.  He arrived home Monday afternoon, weary and achy.  This Saturday we'll be back to the market socializing and selling.


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