Last Wednesday the RA caused my left knee to swell and ache so much that my already interrupted night's sleep worsened. (I'm sure Shawn understands this.) Within a few days both knees were swollen and I couldn't bend them giving me a zombie gait. It's entertaining to watch me descend stairs. From our porch steps to the garage I cautiously walk down the gentle slope as not to end up rolling down through the woods and into the creek. Last week Cliff had an appointment at the Murphy Medical Nursing Facility about his mother's placement and it took me so long to hobble to the door, I could feel the buzzards circling the parking lot. Once we were inside, one of the ambulatory patients challenged me to a race down the hall. If I didn't keep moving, an attendant might escort me to a room.
I like aging gracefully and becoming more assertive in my wants and needs. Monday I called my rheumatologist and told her I was tired of sitting around and not being able to move. This Friday will be six weeks since I began the hydroxychloroquine for rheumatoid arthritis and my body still may not feel the effects for another two to six weeks. I haven't been able to attend my Pilates/yoga classes because once I'm down on my mat, class is over by the time I get back on my feet for mountain pose. I requested a Rx for PT at our gym/rehab center. I know swimming would benefit me, but our gym doesn't have a pool. I'm psyched! My evaluation is today at 12:45 pm. Time to send the buzzards away to circle somewhere else.