Yesterday was 31 degrees dreary, dank, and depressing. Today was 52 and sunny with a few clouds. I enjoy the sunrise a little earlier each morning. We visited Cliff's mother this morning. She is constantly anxious and frazzled. It's so sad. Voices in her head torture her and she can't stop them. We try to redirect her and engage her in a different conversation but it only lasts for 15 seconds before the voices in her head take over. Cliff fills her bird feeder outside the window but she doesn't even have an interest in the birds. I've gotten to know many of the patients in the unit and love talking to them. Today a few of them were getting their nails done. The ladies still love being pampered. They get their hair cut and washed in the "beauty parlor" and someone comes into the unit to do their nails. One lady that I call "the church lady" wheels some of the patients up and down the hall and sings to them. Sunday she was gently singing "Amazing Grace" to the others. It's enriched me to be welcomed into the unit by the long as I can still go out through the double doors to the parking lot.
I may repeat things I've already posted. It's not due to age. I'm too lazy to go back and reread what I blogged previously. I've joined the Murphy Health and Fitness gym that's located right across from Konhete Park where I walk so I can swim now too. I didn't realize how much I missed being in the water. The other gym, Erlanger Fit Plus membership runs out in September. Cliff and I belonged to it since moving here and it has a great rehab program that both of us have used at different times. One time I asked a therapist about knee discomfort/pain and he showed me ways to strengthen quads and leg muscles to prevent knee weakness. Cliff did PT a few times for back discomfort due to belly pulling on his back muscles. After the PT a patient get a free month at the gym. We did Zumba and yoga classes together. But now I need to swim. Pool is heated when the temperatures cool down. Our mornings have bee...