Tuesday night's sleep was hideous. I woke around 1:30 am, with mind whirling and thinking too much and eyes wide open. The right knee ached, wrists were talking to me. Couldn't blame it on the full moon and needed something to blame it on. Streaming meditative Pandora music on my iPhone didn't even help calm the clamour in my head. Finally, a few hours later, I fell back to sleep and woke again around 6:30, slurped down a cup of coffee, ate bowl of oatmeal with a tbs of peanut butter, and headed to the gym for my step/Pilates/yoga classes. The body stops complaining after breathing and stretching in a few downdogs ending in savasana. Going back to needing something to blame the restless night on, I Googled waking between 1-3 am. We had company Tuesday evening and spent hours sitting on the back porch so I figured I ate too much, had a glass of wine and dessert too late in the evening (for me). If it's on the internet, it must be true. The research stated the liver is working around 1-3 in the morning. My liver started talking to me at 1:30. Guess I'd better listen if I wanted to sleep better in the future. A few suggestions were to make your evening meal a light meal, have no sweets after 3 pm, and have a light protein snack a few hours before going to bed. After following those suggestions, I fell into a restful sleep last and felt like the me I want to be when I woke a little before 6. No gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Have a haircut this morning and gracing the mountain women with my presence at their monthly girls day out. Eight or nine of the ladies in our subdivision meet once a month at varying restaurants. I think I've only gone to one. There's a difference between news or happenings on the mountain and gossip. I particularly don't condone or get pleasure from others misfortunes or private matters. Today I'll go with my neighbor, Lisa, who feels the same as I do. We figure between the two of us, we can redirect the conversation to more positive subjects.
P.S. Later today...............lunch with the mountain ladies was delightful. No negative discussions. A few of us are looking forward to Harrah's Casino opening September 28 at 2 pm. We'll be there when the doors open. Ka-ching!
A few of our mornings have been 50 crisp degrees. Hummingbirds aren't awake and hitting their nectar until about 7:47 am. On these chilly mornings, I put socks on, a flannel shirt, wrap myself in a quilt on the porch with my coffee and wait for the action to unfold.
Perched on the geranium stem, she's guarding her nectar and will swoop down as soon as another approaches the tube.
One at the top, another coming from below, and one at the feeder.
Three closing in on the feeder.
Almost unheard of....................two sharing one flower with a third hovering above.
Recently I moved this bleeding heart from its crook in the woods to the kitchen window so it could receive more morning sun. The hummingbirds though it was put there for them. Now one will perch, hidden on a little branch between leaves, waiting for its arch-nemeses to brazenly hit the kitchen window feeder.
Probably the last flower of the season on the bleeding heart.
P.S. Later today...............lunch with the mountain ladies was delightful. No negative discussions. A few of us are looking forward to Harrah's Casino opening September 28 at 2 pm. We'll be there when the doors open. Ka-ching!
A few of our mornings have been 50 crisp degrees. Hummingbirds aren't awake and hitting their nectar until about 7:47 am. On these chilly mornings, I put socks on, a flannel shirt, wrap myself in a quilt on the porch with my coffee and wait for the action to unfold.
Perched on the geranium stem, she's guarding her nectar and will swoop down as soon as another approaches the tube.
Three closing in on the feeder.
Almost unheard of....................two sharing one flower with a third hovering above.
Recently I moved this bleeding heart from its crook in the woods to the kitchen window so it could receive more morning sun. The hummingbirds though it was put there for them. Now one will perch, hidden on a little branch between leaves, waiting for its arch-nemeses to brazenly hit the kitchen window feeder.
Probably the last flower of the season on the bleeding heart.