The front facing the road and the kitchen sides of our house are stained and Cliff's now in the process of staining the under-cover back porch. The North side will be challenging due to the extreme sloping. And he's having so much fun with his woodworking tools that he built a long table for his ham radio equipment.
This past weekend we had 3+ inches of rain that beat up the vegetable garden knocking over everything upright, flowers, spinach, kale. The temperature was a cool crisp 53 this morning when I got up at 6 and will only reach high 60 this afternoon. Perfect outside weather for gardening.
Before our rain-drenched weekend....................
Foxglove flowers did a forward-fold touching the ground so I tied the stem to a support propped on a fence post hoping to save it. The flowers are hummingbird and bee attractants.
Sweet smelling wisteria also attracts bees. With all the rain we've had throughout the winter and this spring, the wisteria and foxglove were the best ever.
A couple of Fridays ago I went down to the garden to cut some kale and collards, pick spinach leaves, and pull lots of lettuce to wash and store in the fridge. My gardening bowl was overflowing with leaves dropping on the ground but I just wanted a few more large kale leaves for my salad. Just two more leaves.
My foot slipped and gouged my shin on the 1 inch PVC pipe holding the raised garden board. When I felt it scrape, immediately a visual of my mother's leg injury went through my brain. She was reaching over her stone wall for some dill, I think, and lost her footing scraping her shin also. But being on Warfarin and having thinner skin than I have, hers was so much more serious. I hobbled up the hill, wondering if I'd make it before passing out, screaming for Cliff. Panic sets in when I experience pain and bleeding. We called my doctor, followed his directions, and Cliff bandaged me up. He also told me that I whine more than the patients he response to. It's been ten days and I was told it'll will take weeks before it completely heals and closes with new skin.
My latest kitchen adventure was to try pickling eggs and beets. I buy three dozen fresh eggs from the farmers market every one to two weeks for frittatas and baking.
Colorful, delicious, and easy and will last four weeks in the fridge. But I have no idea what I did with the recipe page that I tore out of Mother Earth Magazine. As soon as I figure out where I put it, I'll post in the Recipe page.