Cliff had a good day yesterday, Sunday. He was more alert with more energy than I've seen in months. His color looks better, not as yellow. Today, Monday is about the same. Good sign. Shows the stent is working and the toxins are leaving his body slowly. He vacuumed the house this morning while I ran out to Ingles for kale. Just kidding! I did go for fresh greens but not kale. Some of the greens looked worse than he did on his bad days. Made him shrimp, rice with peas for his lunch. One positive note is that he has not lost his appetite through this whole trial. That's one of the questions the PA's and doctors ask at every exam. This week we're waiting for a call from the doctor in Blairsville, GA about his chemo and Dr. Page's office in Atlanta after he presents Cliff's case to the conference Friday morning. Now if I can just get a full restful night's sleep. I feel as if I'm coping and handling this but my sleep pattern tells me otherwise. We eat well, hydrate, and put our feet up as we feel the need but my mind argues with me around 2 or 3 am.
While Cliff was in Piedmont Hospital, my bestest friend Barb, tilled the garden for me. She is quite the farmer herself and did an awesome job preparing the soil.
This was the greatest gift of friendship. She tilled and remove weeds and rocks for hours. I made us a lunch and we sat up on the back porch eating and talking. It was a treat for both of us since we hadn't been together during covid.
We've been watching the Carolina wrens fly in and out of this cardboard box with their mouths full of twigs, moss, leaves and other materials. Then everything quieted down. When they started building it was the end of February when nights and some days were very cold so I figured they had abandoned the box. A couple of days ago when I pulled the box out and peeked in and saw four eggs. Today I took my trowel, gloves, and wrist bands from the lower shelf to do a little gardening and out flew one of the parents. The last four nights were in the thirties so I hope our babies can survive. I guess Mother Nature knows what she's doing. March is a wonderful awakening energetic month. The earth is warming and seeds and bulbs are sprouting. Such a great time of year!