Cool morning temperatures that last longer allowing me to walk later, trees that shed their leaves early on the yoga deck,
my walking into a large spider web in the early morning that wasn't there the day before, and deer devouring anything they can forage, plants that didn't appeal in the summer are my signs that fall is approaching. Yesterday I craved our homemade applesauce. Talked to Cliff as I prepared the bag of honey crisps as he used to for the sauce. Farmers Almanac is predicting a cooler wetter winter for North Carolina and the rest of the Southeast. We won't know until it happens. I feel like chocolate cake.
You get three guess.....................
Midnight snack.....hostas
Tulsi.....holy basil. Makes a great fresh tea and is good for all ailments. Deer never touch these plants and they smell sweet.
Answer to the two sticks plant. It's a blackberry bush that was overflowing and full this summer. It even produced blackberries that I ate before the deer did.
The shell of the new Station 17. When I took this picture two men were in the lift working on the metal roof structure.
I know Cliff is watching.....................
Yesterday was a very positive day for me. My mind was focused and alert. I got a lot of things accomplished as the day went on then spent a little time with the neighborhood ladies on Libby's wine porch laughing and chatting. Today I woke tired so did a slow park walk along the river listening to the soothing sounds of water running over rocks. Air is heavy today. I remember my mother mentioning that sometimes after having her good days she would then wake tired feeling fatigued the whole next day.
While I'm typing, I can see two titmice go in and out of two birdhouses on the back porch. They're so funny because they are hopping all over the rails playfully.