Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson wrote the lyrics to "It's My Lazy Day."
....Well, it must be the season
No rhyme or no reason
I'm takin' it easy
It's my lazy day.
When I got up this morning and knew I didn't need to go to town or get the mail or make a pie, I thought today was going to be my lazy day. I showered but dressed in loose yoga pants and a loose warm pullover, did thirty minutes of lazy yin yoga, which consists of laying on the mat and holding the pose for three minutes before taking a different stretching pose. I discovered yin, which is perfect for aging joints or soreness from overworking in the gardens and just before crawling under the covers at night, a few years ago. After eating a hot oatmeal breakfast, I made a cozy mug of tea and headed for the recliner to sit and watch the birds gather the sunflower feeder. And there I sat enjoying the quiet. I think I dreaded the freezing temperatures returning even though it is short term. This is typical for March with another freeze warning happening in April. This one just bothered me. No rhyme or no reason. I read my Nicholas Sparks for awhile then played Scrabble on the iPad. For lunch I made an easy cauliflower leek soup, enough for a couple of meals....warm and comforting. Cooking cauliflower always brings me back to Nona's kitchen. Her kitchen smelled like fried cauliflower. A loving aroma. Yesterday I did a lot of chores and tasks because I felt like moving with Italian Cooking music on the Pandora station. I made Dr. Weil's blueberry pie recipe with an almond crust and had a large piece for last night supper. Then I texted Mark and told him what my supper was. He agreed. Good food. So after lunch I had another piece of the pie, poured the leftover soup in a bowl and stored in the fridge for tomorrow. Cleaned up the dishes and decided to bring in the potted plants
and cover the outside faucet before the temperature drops. Monday I'll plant potatoes.
Purple and Yukon Gold. Purple are small and ready. Yukon Gold were cut today in order to dry before planting Monday. This took all of five minutes.
So back to Nicholas Sparks and My Lazy Day. It was also a kind of melancholy day..............
There is a fading at this point that I don't like..........a feeling of losing what it was like to have Cliff here with me. emptiness..........