As we say good-bye to a long hot summer, the harvesting of a stinkbug ridden tomato crop, and head into the winter months, I look forward to comfort foods and trying new recipes. Delicious thick soups, casseroles, and trying to make wheat bread again. Daylight lessens......nights grow longer. Being married to a volunteer firefighter, we won't be burning any bonfires to ward off roaming ghosts or the evil spirits here on the mountain, but I will be baking apple and pumpkin pies to usher in the winter season.

We're off to our diner for breakfast. Rick, the cook and owner, is placing a reserved card at the counter for us this morning for 9:30.

Have a safe Halloween. Allow the little trick-or-treaters to collect lots of candy so parents can eat the goodies when the kids go to bed................


ralph said…
happy howllleeeoween!!!!!

nice pumpkin. did you carve that yourself or did maxine do it? :)

kids got booty. parents are eating it. love this holiday!

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