The driveway snow and ice seemed as if it was softening and melting at a pretty good rate and I had been storing trash bags in the Toyota for two weeks. Today there were five bags and I thought I'd take the truck out to the transfer station to toss bags, plastics, and wine bottles. When backing out I guess I backed out a little too far out and got hung up on a patch of ice. So dropped back a little more, turned the front wheels at a different angle and slowly trying not to spin thought I could catch the wheels on gravel. I tried putting it into four-wheel drive. Cliff told me years ago how to do it, but like anything that I don't do often, it was erased from my memory. That one wheel found the ice and and just kept spinning. My neighbor further up the road,who is a retired South Florida firefighter and now a volunteer for Bellview St. 17, came to my rescue. He showed me how to put it into four-wheel drive then offered to take all my trash becaus...
(we've got more than 6 inches!!!)