Wear rosemary in your hair and dance like nobody's watching.
Murphy 's Christmas Parade
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Temperature was 36 degrees but wind chill was 32. It was bitter. I layered lots of clothes and wore a down-filled jacket. Sky to the east looked like a blizzard was coming.
Most people were still sitting in their cars waiting until last minute before staking claim on where they wanted to watch the parade. This poor lady was my victim. I usually find someone who looks like they need me to talk to them and then ramble on until the event is over. Check out this cop. There's a wind chill of 32, everyone is bundled and layered. I went to Wally-World and bought long undies and this Murphy cop is standing out in the brutal wind with no jacket.
He must have felt a chill because he went back to his cruiser and put on his gloves.
Sky to the west was a gorgeous blue and luckily the sun was on us.
Finally the parade began and the floats rounded the bend.
Station 11....Murphy's truck.
Hayden, there were lots of huge trucks pulling floats.
I thought I took more pictures than this but I can't find them. Maybe the camera wasn't on!
Valley Town Fire Dept.
Hanging Dog Fire Dept. from Joe Brown Hwy north of Murphy.
Bellview Fire Dept. Station 17 Engine is 1752 with driver engineer Cliff at the helm. Hands locked on steering wheel, bobblehead scanning from left to right, dodging little children jumping into the road picking up candy.
Hiawassee Dam station 20...brand new trucks, even the hose in the hose bed is blue.
HO HO HO...............Merry Christmas
Mounted police. Don't know where they're from.
The weather held out. The sun felt good and that lady that I latched onto survived my dialogue.
that's a big parade! and people actually put effort into the floats. i'm impressed. and relieved that the anonymous woman at the parade survived the morning. :)
looked cold. i think i would have chickened out!
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looked cold. i think i would have chickened out!