Road Trip

We just returned from a glorious action-packed vacation full of excitement and never-ending surprises. Better than Disney World! After checking the 10-day weather forecast last Monday, we packed our bags and headed for the mountains of Virginia. Tuesday morning Cliff continued on to Massachusetts to spend a few days with his mother. I went to running club at 7:30 AM with Hayden, Sofia, and Grant at their elementary school, to run/speed-walk through the wet mucky grass holding Olivia's hand. Olivia and I did three laps, didn't have time to get the fourth one in to complete the mile. Olivia getting her lap-card punched. She is a pistol, keeps you on your toes. For each mile completed, the children get a "foot" trinket to add to their necklace. It's a really neat program. If I lived closer, I'd join the kids in their "run" every morning. Back at the ranch, Lauria feeding the chickens. Karaoke night Benjamin just turned ...