Hummingbirds have arrived!!! Last night when I checked the hummingbird site, the latest posting was that evening in Blairsville, GA, about 18 miles from us. I've had three feeders out for about 10 days, changing the nectar every 4-5. This morning at 7:18 as I sat on the porch steps with my Quaker oats and coffee, a miniature fighter jet buzzed me and flew into the woods. It was larger than the titmouse or the Carolina chickadee and its flight pattern didn't dip and dive as the other birds do to slow down their approach. It zoomed past my face and into the woods. I really hoped it was our first hummingbird returning. At 12:50 as I walked past the French doors leading to the back porch, there was our HB drinking at the feeder. It's amazing how these little creatures can create such anticipation and excitement in us. In the past week the reported sightings have exploded.
The site I follow is
The site I follow is