We've gone from very humid 80's and A/C to 41 degree mornings and running the heat again. A few days earlier four of my many tomatoes were transplanted to their new home in the garden because they were outgrowing their pots. This is our blackberry winter and the last of the cold snaps. The wild blackberries are in full bloom and the locals say this cold spell sweetens the berries. The tomatoes are covered with straw and for as long as this spell lasts the seedlings and sprouts on the porch get covered with sheets at night. I had planned on setting up at the farmers market today but the cold morning changed my mind.
Lettuce is starting to come in.
The last of the radishes. Can't freeze them so Cliff may get a few radishes with each meal and for snacks.
Another vole/mole hole spotted today while I was weeding and planting spinach seeds. My first spinach planting attempt failed. After talking to one of the farmers this morning at the market, I came home and put in three new rows. She said she keeps planting until it's too hot and she notices the spinach plants bolt early.
Actually, I'm not sure what annoying varmint is living in my garden but Wayne's Feed and Grain people told me this would work as long as I check the garden daily and keep an eye out for new holes. There are more pests, insects, grubs, and weeds this year after the mild winter. Worms are plentiful and that's a sign of healthy soil. I'm seeing more toads than ever before, too. At first I thought, hmmmm........that's a good sign but do I have more toads because the garden has more insects!
My newest little beneficial garden resident. He's the color of clay.
Cliff has rejoined Station 25 again. We actually live in 25's area and it's been difficult on him if the scanner is on and he hears a medical dispatched within minutes of our house or if it's one of the Boulder Creek residents and he can't respond. Now he can legally respond for both Stations 17 and 25. Station 17 is in the process of purchasing a new piece of land to build a larger station on. He's a station 17 board member and part of the process of acquiring land and planning the new building. It's really quite exciting.
Lettuce is starting to come in.
The last of the radishes. Can't freeze them so Cliff may get a few radishes with each meal and for snacks.
Another vole/mole hole spotted today while I was weeding and planting spinach seeds. My first spinach planting attempt failed. After talking to one of the farmers this morning at the market, I came home and put in three new rows. She said she keeps planting until it's too hot and she notices the spinach plants bolt early.
Actually, I'm not sure what annoying varmint is living in my garden but Wayne's Feed and Grain people told me this would work as long as I check the garden daily and keep an eye out for new holes. There are more pests, insects, grubs, and weeds this year after the mild winter. Worms are plentiful and that's a sign of healthy soil. I'm seeing more toads than ever before, too. At first I thought, hmmmm........that's a good sign but do I have more toads because the garden has more insects!
My newest little beneficial garden resident. He's the color of clay.
Cliff has rejoined Station 25 again. We actually live in 25's area and it's been difficult on him if the scanner is on and he hears a medical dispatched within minutes of our house or if it's one of the Boulder Creek residents and he can't respond. Now he can legally respond for both Stations 17 and 25. Station 17 is in the process of purchasing a new piece of land to build a larger station on. He's a station 17 board member and part of the process of acquiring land and planning the new building. It's really quite exciting.