Murphy's Christmas parade was Saturday.  Weather was sunny and 65 degrees which brought a large spectator turnout.  The first couple of years that Cliff was on the Belview Station 17 volunteer fire department, he anxiously drove the large engine in the parade.  His hand imprints still remain on the steering wheel.  Sitting that high and seeing little children dart out for the candy being thrown from the hose bed, was a nightmare for him.  He announced to his chief that he'd never drive in the Christmas parade again.  It was too much responsibility for him.  The following years, we enjoyed the parade as spectators, waving to the fire trucks and listening to the Christmas music.  Last Monday at his volunteer meeting, Cliff made the mistake of going into the bathroom while the parade was being discussed.  When he returned, he had been nominated to drive the big engine in this year's parade!
I didn't go to the parade this year because I was home baking brownies and making coleslaw for twenty-five people for the Martin's Creek Station 25 Christmas party last night at the community center.  We had oven baked turkey, gravy, potatoes, coleslaw, lots of veggies and lots of desserts.  Station 17 will have their party in January when the rush is over. 

Last week I got to ride to a medical call and watch the chopper arrive at the LZ (landing zone) again.  It seems there have been more medicals lately and I've been with Cliff when his pager goes off.
Off to Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga. 

Our warm weather is ending for awhile.  Long range forecast shows high's in the 40's, one day in the 30's, and possibly an inch of snow.  Guess I'll put my flip-flops away for now.


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