Cliff: "Did you see the long-range forecast on TWC app?"
Me: "Yes!"
Cliff: "Hide the dull butter knives and lock the sharp knife draw!"

I think we've done more weather whining this year than in past winters.   Temperatures have suddenly modified from 20 degree days to 60 degree highs.  No complaints about that.   But we noticed as the woodland animals watched us unload lumber from the bed of Cliff's red Toyota, they began lining up two-by-two.  And it's important we keep a low eye open when carrying in groceries ensuring our small grey mouse doesn't try to get in out of the rain.  We're under flash-flood warnings until tonight and the rain is forecast to continue for the next 15 days in a row.  It could be worse.  It could be 15 days of snow.  I'm not sure how this will impact my 35 garlic bulbs that were set last October.  These warm days will deceive some plants into sprouting early only to be shocked when a freak snow day sneaks in. 

Cliff set the grow-light up in the dining room and my little plants thank us as they reach toward the fluorescent grow-lights.  Cilantro, basil, and oregano are all I have so far.  I found a rogue seed in the bottom of the plastic bag where the seed packets are kept but didn't know what it was.  It didn't resemble any of the seeds in the open packets so I stuck it in a small cup of soil a few weeks ago.  It's now about 3" tall and looks like a mustard green.  As soon as this rainy spell  subsides and some drying takes place in the garden, that little mustard green can be the first vegetable put in.  Leafy green seeds can be planted in March.  My seed order has been placed with Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds and Annie's Heirloom and seeds will arrive this week. 


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