Since awaking at 4:50 and unable to fall back into a sleep,  I figure this may be a good time to do something useful, like blog a few minutes.  Cliff's eye-drops regimen consumes our days.  It starts at five a.m. and ends at 10 p.m.  Thank goodness for iPhone alarms that remind us every four hours it's time to do drops.  A small plastic sandwich bag full of Rx vials travels with us during the day no matter where we go.   One of the Rx drops is a thick viscosity and I apply that at 5 a.m. and since I'm up, two minutes later I do his second Rx.  He crawls back under the covers and most times falls backs into a sleep.  I'm awake and up for the day.  Sleep after 5-ish doesn't work for my brain.  So I read a novel or thumb through some old magazines for about an hour until I hear the coffee pot start and smell the fresh caffeine wafting from the kitchen.  Around 6:30, after scanning my outdoor surroundings, it's time to hang the seed feeders back outside as the cardinals and other early birds are  waiting on nearby branches for their sunflowers seeds.  My mother never fed the birds during the summer.  She said they needed to eat insects.  She was right, but I enjoy watching them at the feeders.  So far when I go outside early in the morning, I've only met deer.  The cameras didn't detect any bear roaming the porch last night. The over-abundance of rain and cloudy days stunted the wild berry flower production this spring and summer leaving the bear  to roam into neighborhoods scavenging for open garage doors or trash left out on stupid people's porches.  One of our neighbors was upset when their trash bag was ripped open and strew all over their back porch.   We were also told that acorns, another bear food supply, were scarce. 

It's now 8:20 and I'm off to my Zumba/yoga classes to dance and laugh with my gym people.  Cliff is having the Generac get its yearly service this morning.  I'll proof read this once then sign off.


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