About 7:15 this morning while preparing our hot oatmeal, a magnificent sunrise colored the eastern sky blazing through the silhouetted forest. Sunrise and sunset colors change quickly. You need to be present to be a part of them and appreciate each second. Such is life also. It can change in a second.
It's easier to adapt to positive changes than to accept negative events and we each have our own way of dealing with these. It's unnerving to hear that a family member or a close friend has breast cancer. Your heart aches for the decisions that need to be made. Yesterday after yoga class a friend told me she has three tumors in her right breast that have increased in size and after going through chemo and radiation years ago on her left breast, she will have a mastectomy this time with no radiation or chemo. Her mother and sisters have all had breast cancer too. She's at peace with her decision. This morning while standing at the top of our driveway in 27 degree air reveling in the glowing sunrise, hearing the Carolina wren sing his wake-up call, I once again remembered that each day is a gift. We don't know from moment to moment what life may throw at us.
"Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain..... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices -- today I choose to feel life not to deny my humanity, but to embrace it." ~ Kevyn Aucoin