
Showing posts from July, 2019
This morning my "mountain farm" chores began a little after 7 before the 56 degree air warmed up.  I've been having difficulty staying in a sleep state past 4:40 a.m.  Pain isn't waking me and I'm coming out of my night's sleep slowing, gradually feeling the wake happen naturally.  So I lie in the dark quietly with relaxing Pandora music softly playing hoping to drift back into a light morning nap.  Doesn't happen............... Around 5:30 I get restless, sit up and read and wait for my coffee to begin the brewing sound at 5:50.  Our neighbors' honey bees arrive at the birdbaths as soon as the sun warms their hives and the right temperature begins their movement.  This morning before the bee activity began, I cleaned the birdbaths and refreshed the water for the birds and the bees ! We really enjoy the honey bees.  The more we learn about and observe them, the more amazed we become with their work ethics, their assigned tasks, and their short lives....
To satisfy your curiosity, there are seven music garlic bulbs in one pound. You never know when you might need to answer a trivia question or throw this fact out during a gathering.  Notice the Italian flag colors, white, and red.  When placing my order for fall garlic with Mad River Garlic Growers, I needed to know how many garlic in a quarter-pound, half-pound and a full pound.  Luckily, I had six music garlic in the cupboard to place on my kitchen scale. I buy that type when I can find them because the cloves are large, peal easily, and the flavor is strong.  Each bulbs usually contains five to six cloves and I'm ordering a pound.  Some will be set in the large garden where I pulled up all the yellow beans and some will go in my container garden near the garage.  Cliff's going to buy me a few more large barrels for that area.  It'll be interesting to see if there's a difference in garlic growth. Kitchen garden...