Cliff's friend, Jamie from station 25, graded our driveway this morning.  With all the rain we've had all spring and summer, the water pools and doesn't run down under the fence. 

It always amazes me how he makes it look.  Jamie moves the scoop like it's an extension of his shoulder. 

We got our flu shots Monday.  No reactions.  No difficulties.  I can't inject for another two weeks to allow this immunity to take, which will become four weeks in all.  So far no aches, no joint pain.  Doctor told me to carry Tylenol and Motrin with me until I can inject again and to behave myself.  Be cautious and gentle to the body.   

Foggy every morning again. Temperatures vary from forties to fifties at night and days run in the seventies with sun, thank goodness.  We've been walking most afternoons when the fog is burned off and the temperature is comfortable.  Cliff is doing well.  Tired, as expected, but looks forward to his walk in the park and being outside.  This is a wonderful time of year.  Leaves are starting to show some color.  My arugula is growing better with the cooler nights than in spring.  And best of all, no flea beetle holes.


                                                   mustard greens like the cool too

I need to quit spring planting.............................


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