Another gorgeous Autumn day with a mostly sunny sky and temperature around 70. I've been outside most of the day pulling old dead flower stalks and piling them in the woods. The garden is almost cleared of tired dead debris and now has a nice blanket of dried falling leaves to decay as nature intended. House plants are still outside and when the weather drops to thirties I pull them all close to the house at night. Many herbs still thrive. I still use fresh parsley, mint, Italian oregano, rosemary and a few others. I placed hay around them as they will stay out all winter.
The blogging stopped because for some unknown reason my iPhone pictures won't upload to this computer. Also tried to print my Christmas card design but the scanner icon on this computer is gone and I can't find it anywhere. So, can't scan, can't send pictures to blog and it's frustrating. I tried to think what Cliff would do but I don't understand techie issues. Mentally trying to let go of all this. I have pictures of the new Station 17's progress sitting in my iPhone and they can't get out.
OH.................just tried again and it worked. !!!!!!
November 15 at Julie's Restaurant with MaryAnne and Susan. I got a free piece of peanut butter pie with GF chocolate crust. Delicious! Will order one for Christmas before Mark gets here.
Saturday night, last night, I celebrated again at Dutch and Kathy's house.
No order for this blog. All the thing I wanted to narrate are coming to my mind.
Got my Kia back a few weeks ago. Looks good and drives well, no clunks or rattles.
Kathy and Dutch showing me inside the new fire station.
There will be four rooms for the officers, a large meeting room and sleep and shower quarters for when the department goes paid some day.
About a month ago I moved my piano out of the smaller bedroom into the dining room where I now play more often.
Chippy eating breakfast
A few night ago when I went to shut off the computer, it needed an update, which took forever, I hit update and shut down. Maybe that update cleaned up something and fixed what was missing. It was nice to post pictures again.
December 2 there is an Evening of Remembrance for those who have lost a loved one this year. I don't know if I want to go. I do and I don't. I need to R.S.V.P. by tomorrow 11/20...........we'll see.