When I woke this morning a little after five, very rested, no head talk in the night, I wondered how to fill my morning since it was too rainy, damp, dark, dank to walk in town. Going near any store was not an option and we are under a weather alert for high winds with possible 30-40 mph gusts that could down limbs and branches. I did 30 minutes yoga live with Hannah then while eating my oatmeal breakfast Michael texted me that he needed a childhood picture of himself for his accounting firm. They want to update the employee bios with childhood photos. Hmmm...........that's a challenging task. I pulled out all the boxes from the bathroom closet, brought them to the living room where I would have plenty of room to sort and go through albums. Looks like those boxes hadn't been move in quite some time. The large roach hotel was dated back to April of this year and it was time to vacuum up the dead debris behind the boxes. I actually moved everything off the floor and cleaned the walls and the floor. Large roach hotels now on my "to-buy" list. I expected going through those boxes would stir up emotions and memories but it wasn't as sad as I imagined. There were happy memories of early Christmas days, school photos, and baby albums. When sadness ambushed me, I remembered that was the past and I can't change the past. Most of what I touched and saw brought smiles to my face. Where did the time go? Mark and I were young, somewhat immature but thought we knew what we were doing.
I condensed four boxes down to three and now have a clean closet, found some photos to keep out and enjoy, smiled as I went through the children's old school artwork and birthday parties pictures. For a morning where I wondered what to do with myself it's been a busy time. One problem with staying inside all day is no human voices or eye contacts. Then around noon the phone rang and I thought oh, good......a person's voice. It was my pharmacy auto-call telling me my Rx needs doctor update.
It's two o'clock and still raining, wind gusting but now too badly. I'm done. Going to binge watch a few episodes of The Mentalist or Bull. Having a difficult time getting into novels. Don't stay focused enough yet to remember what I just read as the turn the page.