Cliff brought up the blog yesterday and reminded me that I hadn't written anything since the 13th.  There really hasn't been anything to write home about.  Some mornings when I pour my cup of coffee, I visit with my mother.  Today's letters were penned from mid to late January 1989.  Central Massachusetts was having a mild January that winter with many afternoons in the mid 40's.

January 16, 1989     
Dear Betsy,
It's 40 degrees at 4 pm.  Your father and I just came back from getting apples and vegetables at Bolton Orchards and having a cup of coffee at the Salt BoxCukes were $.30 and tomatoes were $.79 a lb.  What an odd winter, not at all like January should be.  We have 3 or 4 pairs of cardinals, downy and hairy woodpeckers at the feeders and on the ground.  

This morning the large print porch thermometer read 60 degrees at 6 AM when the weather radio blared  a tornado warning until early afternoon for Cherokee County.  So far we've had a few spells of heavy rain and some thunder rumble through the mountains and it's so mild, I put the house plants on the porch to wash the dust off their leaves.  While out on the back porch enjoying the sound of the rushing creek, I noticed something different in the crooked birdhouse.

This little guy has been working at enlarging that hole for months.  We put the birdhouse up a couple of years ago........not at that angle.......... but there were no takers.  Maybe he's pretending to be cruising the Mediterranean off the coast of Italy.  I want to be on the porch watching when the house does about a 180 degree swing.


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