
Showing posts from June, 2024
 It's a good thing I don't go to work.  It seems to me it takes longer to do the tasks and chores I've always done in a shorter span of time.  I love spring and summer.  When I wake at 5:30 my mind says   yes, I'll have more time to do all the thing I want to do today. Doesn't happen....probably because I come up with more tasks that I think I can fit into my day.  We're in a dry period now.  I washed the yoga deck with a bleach/water solution Saturday afternoon allowing two days of drying and stained it Tuesday.  Before staining I had to blow all the ants and little creatures of my clean deck. Tibetan Peace flags sending prayers and peace out to the world with each breeze. The garden is struggling but some things are flourishing.  Butterfly bushes and native bushes thriving from the spring rains.  Mountain laurel, native azaleas, and dogwoods doubled in size this spring and were full of gorgeous colorful blooms.....better than any other year I remember. The but
 I wanted to blog this past week but the computer was in a deep coma on life support and probably overheard me tell Michael it was going to be thrown in the dump.  Just for the heck of it I tried turning it on again tonight and it woke up.   Friday I had a window put in Cliff's old shed.  It's really nice to have some natural light along with the fluorescent overhead.  Charlie put it in and framed the outside for a finished look.  He's going to stain it later next week.  We have rain coming again tonight.  I still have to soak the labels and gently remove them so I don't scratch the glass I keep some supplies for the raised gardens and the weed whacker in this shed and other tools in the other shed down by the big garden.  It beats trudging up and down the mountain while tending both gardens. Last week I bought a 5.5 cu wheelbarrow for working around the lower garden.  Tuesday the old rotted rails and posts got replaced. I've slowly been raking the leaves and dumpin