New Vet

The new vet met Maxine last week. He's shorter than Cliff and is shaped like a weeble. As he walked through the examining room door, his first words were "this cat needs to loose weight!" Evidently there are no mirrors in his house. Max was 20 lbs. 3 yrs ago when she had a pancreatic attack so we put her on "the greatest looser diet." At last week's weigh-in she tipped the scale at 15.7.......good job Max! After asking about her history and giving her a manicure, he charged us $7.35!! For that price he can insult Max or Cliff anytime!
Maxine getting pysched for "mole patrol."
"Was that the sound of a can opener?"
Squirrels become stealth when she's out on "mole patrol."
Carolina chickadees don't fear her even though she sits directly under their feeder.
Movement under the leaves.

"I know you're in there."
"This is too much like work."

"Time for relaxation and fun."

"I live for the weekends."


ralph said…
um, no offense, max, but i have a dog who weighs less than you do... :) (whichway: 11 lbs, 6 oz.) actually, my baby, at birth, might have weighed more than whichway does now... hmm...

max has quite the selection of play spaces in that little house, too! she's got more rooms than i do!
Betsy said…
maxine thanks you for reading about her recent slimdown....she also thinks she's agile enough to jump up on the railing. we have to keep all outside furniture away from the railing. there is a 20' drop and she would probably continue rolling down the mountain into the stream.
Karen Swain said…
I love the blog! You do such a good job describing what you, Cliff, and Maxine are up to. We really miss you on our "ladies" nights. Don't forget us!

Betsy said…
Karen, thanks so much for reading it and I'm with you in spirit on "girls night out."

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