Fat, Dumb, & Happy

taken through the screen as the two birds flitted from this hanging plant to the geraniums in the window box.

temperatures most days near 100
Last week we joined our local fitness center. Temperatures and air quality provided great excuses to avoid any physical activity and we were becoming fat, dumb, and happy. When you pay for something, you're more apt to use it or the $$$ is wasted. So we've been pretty faithful in our trips to the gym. We allow the working folks to get their exercise in early then we have access to the machines without waiting. The swimming pool is available year round. In October the huge white dome goes up and the pool is heated for the winter.
The garden is just about finished producing, plants looks so sad. We're picking the tomatoes as they turn orange before they rot on the vines and I picked the last two lopes. Time to pull the weary plants and let the garden rest.
Yesterday afternoon as Cliff drove out Boulder Creek Road, a bobcat ran down the mountain, across the dirt road, and in front of him. What an awesome sight!
The garden is just about finished producing, plants looks so sad. We're picking the tomatoes as they turn orange before they rot on the vines and I picked the last two lopes. Time to pull the weary plants and let the garden rest.
Yesterday afternoon as Cliff drove out Boulder Creek Road, a bobcat ran down the mountain, across the dirt road, and in front of him. What an awesome sight!