This lone deer showed up soon after I threw nuts & berries birdseed out on the ground. The motorcycle trailer is down behind the deer near the shed and Maxine lays quietly under it hoping to see the squirrels up close. When she spotted the deer, her eyes were the size of half-dollars.

Last weekend made these 3 big shirts for the kindergarteners to wear during their art class at school. This is an adult woman's pattern so I went by the smallest size on the tissue pattern. I sewed all weekend because I wanted to get the shirts mailed off Monday morning. Yesterday I used the pattern again to cut out some material to make myself a shirt. It's a really nice style with pockets and tabs on the cuff. I didn't do any of that for the kids, made theirs plain. Actually didn't read the directions, just quickly put theirs together and used velcro in the front instead of buttons. That way it's easier for children and teacher. Today I started assembling my shirt, this time reading directions, and when I got to the collar, I realized I had put the children's collars on upside down......all three of them!

Close up of the upside-down collars

Yesterday Cliff decided to tackle the cluttered shed. He pulled everything out of the shed and look what he found...........two motorcycles hidden under the rubble!!!!!!

My sportster is on the left and his Dyna is the other one.