Monday Morning
September 5, 1994
Cloudy, 57 degrees
7:00 AM
Dear Betsy,
I'm up early as I slept all night until 5:30 AM. We expected a Nor'Easter to start after midnight. Evidently, it's slow moving as it hasn't arrived yet. I plan to work on your quilt this morning that I may be cooped in.
Retta and Tracy visited us last night and brought a nice loaf of Jewish Rye bread. It's so good and hearty--I ate some right away but didn't need it! Dad gets hungry about 8 or 9--so he had a ham sandwich with the bread then. Dad has been doing yard work and it seems to satisfy him. He picked all of vegetables late yesterday. We had the most wonderful crop of cucumbers this year. Too bad I couldn't pickle them.
Out lawn mower "cable for drive" broke so we are growing hay on the back lawn. My sewing machine needs cleaning. I can do it if I take out the instruction book--ugh, awful job--I'd rather follow a butterfly or grasshopper...........