I haven't blogged lately because my computer closed its eyes and went into a fatal sleep while I was in the middle of posting. This one is new and I hadn't backed up the other in awhile...... don't know how to backup. Cliff always did that for me. It's what I keep him around for. All my pictures...... everything are deeply locked in its dark vault.
We found yet another great farmers' market in Blairsville, GA that is open Wednesdays and Saturdays. We went Wednesday and bought fresh baby summer squash for the grill. Not many vendors but one of the farmers told us to come back on Saturday when all of the booths would be full of farmers selling fresh produce. Shawn and Louise will be visiting with us next week after attending a wedding in Nashville so Cliff and I will get some fresh veggies for the grill, buy local farmed chicken from the butcher, and bake a Bavarian Apple Torte.
Early morning temps have been in the 50's with days still heating up to high 80's. We have a front coming through this weekend that will bring rain and cooler temperatures.
Neighbors have reported seeing and HEARING the bear. One morning around 7 AM, the bear growled at our neighbor up the street as he went into the backyard to get something. Another neighbor reported the growl when he was bringing the dog out at 9PM. Others tell of a thumping sound like a large animal scratching its back on the porch posts. We've heard the thumping but still haven't seen the bear. Maxine usually stays awake most of the night watching out the guest bedroom window, especially this week with the full moon. She hasn't reported anything.
i don't think we will have a very colorful fall here. such a terrible drought. any idea if you will have nice colors?
and a belated happy birthday to grammy. :) i've been so consumed with life goings on here lately, i completely forgot. good thing i don't have to send a card! :)