Porch Pickers and SingersA Bluegrass band played from 10-4.
We arrived at the Annual Heritage Walk & Festival when it first opened at 10 to get a good parking place. Arts and crafts lined the alleys. The Henn Theatre was showing the history of Appalachian crafts in the afternoon. Tours began here at the L&N depot at 3 different times of day with re-enactors staged along the tour of The Trail of Tears. Heritage Partners offered the historical walking tours of the Trail of Tears, the Harshaw Chapel and cemetary where Abraham Lincoln's natural father is buried.

Some of the 30 regional artisans and food vendors before the crowds arrived. There was a silent auction and a great variety of handmade crafts.

Thought of Hayden when I took these pictures.
Restored and working 1932 tractor.

Cliff's going to buy me this red one for my little chicken farm but he can't respond to fire calls with it.

Restored John Deere working tractor...... 2-clyinder 24 HP. We spoke to the farmer who restored these and he said this JD runs like a clock.

Fresh picked apples, art work, and more crafts, at the farmers' market. My favorite vendor is in this area and I stop at her tent weekly to chat and buy zucchini relish for Cliff and squash relish for me. She also has a variety of fruit jams and pickles. When the vendors began setting up this morning at 7:30, the temperature was 52 degrees. Down the street from the market, the John Campbell Folk School cloggers performed.
A front came through last night so weather was beautiful today, normal temps in the high 70's.