Slept later than usual this morning........'til 7 AM. When the phone rang at 7:05, of course the first thoughts were family sickness or death. It was even worse than that....................Ranger Elementary's principal called to ask if I would sub KINDERGARTEN! AAAGGGGHHHH! And could I get there by 7:30! I was sipping a cup of freshly brewed coffee and scuffing around with morning hair. Told him I'd need a little more time than that so he said how about 7:40. I have one pair of teaching slacks that still fit since retiring. We've found the mountain air and the altitude cause material shrinkage. I slapped some color on my cheeks, found a pair of comfortable loafers in the back of the closet, and threw on a red sweater. Cliff scrubbed and halved an apple for me and by 7:25 I was in the passenger seat gulping raisin bran and balancing my cup of coffee. Cliff got me to the school by 7:40. I've said this before in my blog............. Ranger Elementary is a sweet little school and I really like it. There were 15 children in this class with a shared assistant and before long the strong ones told me how to run the classroom. We practiced winter/Christmas songs for the field trip to the senior center Thursday, read The Gingerbread Man and the Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett (gorgeous illustrations), took a 30-minute nap, the children did, not me, went to centers, did color-cut-and-pastes, tied shoes, listened to tattling, and packed them up and sent them home. What a day! Actually, it was a nice break in our routine and although I am tired now, the children's energy was renewing. Children are refreshing, full of energy, and invigorating. Now I need to be ready with an answer if the principal calls me to sub for the field trip in the morning.................................
I may repeat things I've already posted. It's not due to age. I'm too lazy to go back and reread what I blogged previously. I've joined the Murphy Health and Fitness gym that's located right across from Konhete Park where I walk so I can swim now too. I didn't realize how much I missed being in the water. The other gym, Erlanger Fit Plus membership runs out in September. Cliff and I belonged to it since moving here and it has a great rehab program that both of us have used at different times. One time I asked a therapist about knee discomfort/pain and he showed me ways to strengthen quads and leg muscles to prevent knee weakness. Cliff did PT a few times for back discomfort due to belly pulling on his back muscles. After the PT a patient get a free month at the gym. We did Zumba and yoga classes together. But now I need to swim. Pool is heated when the temperatures cool down. Our mornings have bee...