Fifty-four crisp degrees on the mountain this morning at 5:10 when I popped on my coffee maker and sat back with an old issue of Mother Earth magazine.  On the kitchen island I have some seeds that I'll try in my fall garden which can be done anytime now and all through August.  With limited sun now starting to go behind the trees, my fall area will be smaller and concentrated more in the middle of the garden.  Yesterday I wanted to make a quiche with some of the Swiss chard and needed thinly sliced potatoes for the crust.  I only had one small potato left in the kitchen, went our our potato patch,  lifted the soil on one of the almost brown plants, and found two spuds the size of half-dollars.  It'll be another couple of weeks before ours are big enough to be dug.  I worked at slicing those potatoes tissue paper-thin to cover the bottom of the 9-inch pie pan.
Just enough to make the small quiche.  Sauted the garlic, onions, quiche, carrots, zucchini, garden basil and parsley, and whatever else was hanging around and threw it all together for our supper.

We still only have three hummingbirds coming to our feeders.  Usually by July we count six to eight battling for territory.  Compared to other years, it's been a quiet spring/summer as far as bird-watching. 

Sunday I painted our small bathroom a soft clean white.  Hopefully, this week we can get the new vanity top installed and put up a new mirror.  This is the top I bought from Lowe's.  Found a mirror like this one at Logan's Run Thrift Store for $20, and not changing the existing vanity.  There's nothing wrong with it so no need to waste $$$.  Will buy a few new earth-tone towels and the little bath will feel refreshed.
Rx's are wonderful and right now the inflammation is under control.  I see a rheumatologist on Thursday so figured I might as well do the things I normally do.  What better place to have aches and pains but in the doctor's office.


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