"Happiness.....not in another place but this place,
not in another hour but this hour." ~ Walt Witman

We've been watching the 2001 series of The Guardian on Netflix in the evenings. I'm not an avid TV viewer. Find most programs don't hold my interest so have never seen or heard of many of the old series. A couple of years ago when Cliff was attending evening classes at Tri-County Community College classes, the TV remote was mine. As I flipped from channel to channel looking for something of interest, I came across The Mentalist starring the handsome Australian-born Simon Baker. Recently when we found The Guardian, we figured we'd give it a try and have watched a couple of episodes each evening after dinner. My recliner is positioned so that I can see a hanging begonia on the back porch through the french doors. It's been raining for two days now and without the sunset, the back porch has been darker these evenings. Out of the corner of my eye last evening while watching TV, I saw lots of commotion and movement on the porch railing. Little brown Carolina wrens gathered on the railing, took turns jumping up into the begonia, lit back on the railing to sit together, and returned to the planter again. Cliff refers to them as 737s because they're stubby and their tails are up in the air. Their sweet songs are loud enough to awaken every animal within a 2-mile radius. A couple of them at a time flew into the planter, rustled the soil around, stuck their necks through the flowers and looked around. I couldn't help but watch as this movement went on for about 20 minutes. As the dark deepened, the little birds settled down in the planter and quiet settled in on the back porch. I don't know how many wrens cuddled in that one hanging begonia for a night's sleep. This morning, it's still raining. Around 7 am, the back porch was still dark from overcast skies but I heard the wrens singing in the trees so figured they were up and about. I tiptoed over to the planter and little brown neck thrust through the flowers and the last wren took flight.
We're not setting up for our market this morning as today is a washout.