Would you believe a possum or raccoon tried to get the last drop of Riesling from this bottle last night. I place empty recycling glass containers on the porch at night with the intention of putting them in the bin under the porch in the morning. Did the animal really believe there could be a drop left?! Silly possum!
This morning Cliff had a back molar extracted. I went to Zumba class, returned and drove him to the dentist. His cracked tooth was causing discomfort and had to come out. He dreaded the appointment and it was a rough procedure. We were only home about an hour when I drove him back to the dentist with excess bleeding. The dentist got his bleeding under control and sent us home. Tonight his meal consisted of lots of mashed potatoes and soft foods. Tomorrow I put him back to work.
Late this afternoon my two loads of mushroom compost was delivered. Is that not exciting!!? Tomorrow at the crack of dawn, after my coffee, I'll be shoveling it into the wheelbarrow and down to the garden. Cliff's 24 hours of rest will be up at noon.