Temperature stayed 60 degrees all through the night last night. Tonight will be high thirties.  Cloudy, misty, dreary day.  It's hard for me to get motivated on these days. My doctor told me to find a reason to get out of the house every day to avoid isolation.  Suddenly a multitude of tasks starting popping into my head.  A friend suggested I list everything on paper then tackle one at a time leaving the others for another time. Once I listed the tasks I really didn't want to tackle any of them.  So I filled the red Toyota with recycles and trash bags and headed off to the transfer station avoiding my list.  From the transfer station I went to Mike's Seafood for  a blackened salmon lunch, to watch others eat and talk, then bought some servings of cod and salmon for the freezer.  It's harder to find peace on these darkest gloomy days.  But that's expected and I'm okay with that.............


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