After an usually frigid winter, signs of spring are such a welcomed sight. This isn't one of those signs. Isn't this a great dead tree for woodpeckers? We'll keep this one when we clean up some of the dead wood.

I just love these
pileated woodpeckers. (spell check!) They are so majestic and so loud!

The start of my herb garden from seed. I think the ones in front are sweet basil. Others are Italian parsley and Early Girl tomatoes.

If you look really close, you can see the buds on the wild dogwood.

Temperatures are 68-70 most days now.

Daffodils in Tom and Jean's gardens.

The beginning of Tom's vegetable garden. He already has potatoes, onions, and lettuce planted in the little side fenced gardens.

Daffodils along the 4-lane in Murphy. Day lilies will be next.
Konehetee Park where we walk.

Some kind of a tree.

More day lilies in Murphy.

What a great sign of spring.....John Deere tractors!!!!!!

Cherry trees in bloom along the 4-lane in Murphy.

Miles of beautiful trees in bloom.

Cherokee Historical Museum, downtown Murphy. We visited this when we first moved here.

Just an interesting little church in Murphy.

Downtown Murphy

And finally.....the most welcomed sign of spring........the Sweet Tooth opened for business!