Hong Kong
Lauria and Jim flew out of JFK yesterday around 3:30 PM and I'm assuming landed safely in Hong Kong about 6 PM HK time, 6 AM our time. We tracked their flight last night until we fell asleep at 10:30 PM and I awoke at 4:15 AM and tracked their flight until it said they landed. I'm tired but heading to the gym so Edith can beat me up with her Boot Camp session from 9-10. Did yoga yesterday with a new instructor. Hard to get used to someone new.
Lauria and Jim will receive Ben from the adoption agency in a few days but stay to finalize the process and paperwork before returning home in two weeks. We have skype set up so will be able to talk to them and also see and talk to the children at their caretaker's home. Weather in Hong Kong is hot during both the days and nights.
Lauria and Jim will receive Ben from the adoption agency in a few days but stay to finalize the process and paperwork before returning home in two weeks. We have skype set up so will be able to talk to them and also see and talk to the children at their caretaker's home. Weather in Hong Kong is hot during both the days and nights.
and to see the kids, go here: http://nicholsfamilyjourney.blogspot.com
one thing, TV in china, sucks. :(