The Jim Cantore Program went on at 5:14 AM when I decided I couldn't sleep anymore and needed to know Irene's progress up the coastline.  It was 55 degrees on the mountain at 5:14 and yesterday we had gentle gusts probably to 15 mph from Irene.  Actually, made the afternoon very comfortable.  For everyone experiencing this long drawn out weather event, it's exhausting.........feels as if it will never end.

Compliments of Irene, the breezes made it pleasant enough to work in the garden most of the day.  Trimming some of the dead vines away allowed me to see if the main plants could be salvaged a few more weeks and keep producing.  I think the summer squash are low on energy even though the blossoms are huge and yellow. That  stops me from yanking them and discarding the old plants into the woods.  Those blossoms only produce petite yellow squash which in the market would be sold as baby squash at premium prices. Guess I'm not quite ready to put them to rest.  Months ago I planted a few hills of gourds.  Love gourds.  Enjoy the way they wander like vagabonds producing odd shaped fruit.  These wandering vagabonds have taken over the tomato fences, have intertwined with the cucumbers, meandered into the woods, and are now climbing up the oak trees.  Their leaves have a lovely soft brushed cotton-like texture.

 The tomatoes have adopted the gourds into their families.

We have a few watermelons trying to ripen but not sure if they will.  There appears to be a small rot spot at one end of the fruit.  The clay soil if very dry.  We haven't had a good rain in weeks and none in sight for at least another week.  I do irrigate a couple days a week, but there is nothing like a rain.  Yesterday bought 4 cauliflower plants.  In a few days will set them in the area that receives sun and then plant spinach, leaf lettuce, and whatever else will tolerate the cooler weather coming.  Will also use the row covers in hopes of eliminating the insect invasion naturally.  Next spring our newly retired friends in Marble, Larry and Pat, will be gardening so we'll purchase a "traveling" tiller together.  The tiller will be seen each spring and fall traveling up and down the 4-lane on its way to work.  This is my first time attempting fall/winter gardening.


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