Nights have been warm enough to sleep with windows open so when I was awakened by an unfamiliar huffing sound out in the road around 1:50 AM, of course, I had to get up and investigate.........from inside. I stood at our bathroom window listening and trying to compare it with other familiar sounds so in the morning I could recall the sound and google it. The huffing reminded me of the deer Mike, Barb, Cliff, and I heard one summer night when sitting on the back porch around 10 PM. But the immediate "clicking" sound stumped me. I knew it wasn't the sound of hooves. Deer are stealth and quiet as they move even when bounding down the mountainside into the forest. Opossum don't click or huff, turkeys gobble, and it was not the sound of a mountain cat. I didn't want to just assume it was a bear. I finally fell back to sleep and when I woke at 6, took my coffee out in the mountain fog and quietly scanned the road for bear scat. No scat....