Brrrr.  After waking to 56-60 degree mornings for the past month, I walked out onto the porch and was greeted by a crisp 36 degrees this morning.  That'll cool your cup of coffee down quickly.  I just learned today that the April full moon is named "pink moon."  I  was aware that October's full moon was a "harvest moon" but a "pink moon" was new to me.  The full moon names come from the cultural histories of the Native American tribes of the Northeastern parts of the United States.
January-Wolf Moon
February-Snow Moon
March-Worm Moon
April-Pink Moon
May-Flower moon
June-Strawberry Moon
July-Buck Moon
August-Sturgeon Moon
September-Corn Moon
October-Harvest Moon
November-Beaver Moon
December-Cold Moon

Around 1:30 AM, I awoke to hit the bathroom and noticed the moon illuminating the yard so brightly that this was my chance to see what roams about in the night.  Out the bathroom window I spotted one large deer nibbling little saplings.  Then I gently pulled back the sheers in the spare bedroom to find three deer in the front flower garden.  It was calming and tranquil to watch them, and I stood at the window for quite awhile before climbing back under my covers and falling back to sleep.  Later when the sun came up and I was able to check the garden, I found rooting holes in the mulch and plants missing leaves or chewed down to the ground.  A neighbor up the road has a front garden full of sweet delicious tulips.  I wonder if she still has them. 


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